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Emsisoft Enterprise Security Shines in AVLab’s July 2024 Advanced In-the-Wild Malware Test

Emsisoft Enterprise Security Shines in AVLab’s July 2024 Advanced In-the-Wild Malware Test

The AVLab Cybersecurity Foundation’s July 2024 Advanced In-the-Wild Malware Test is a critical evaluation in the cybersecurity industry, offering insights into how well security solutions perform against live, active threats. Emsisoft has consistently demonstrated strong capabilities in these tests, reaffirming its position as a trusted name in enterprise security.

This article checks on the latest results, highlighting the performance of Emsisoft Enterprise Security + EDR and its implications for businesses seeking robust protection against evolving cyber threats.

Understanding the AVLab In-the-Wild Malware Test

AVLab Cybersecurity Foundation is a respected cybersecurity research organization known for its rigorous testing of security solutions. They focus on real-world threat scenarios, making their tests highly relevant for assessing the effectiveness of security products in practical environments.

The AVLab In-the-Wild Malware Test aims to evaluate how well security software can detect and neutralize threats that are actively circulating in the digital environment. This test specifically targets new and emerging malware, providing a clear picture of a product’s ability to protect against the latest threats.

For organizations, these tests are crucial as they offer a benchmark to compare different security solutions. By understanding how a product performs against live threats, businesses can make informed decisions about which security solutions will best protect their systems and data.

Test Methodology

AVLab carefully selects a diverse range of live, in-the-wild malware samples to ensure the test accurately reflects the current threat landscape. This selection process is designed to challenge security solutions with real-world threats that are actively being used in cyberattacks.

The test is conducted in two phases: pre-launch and post-launch detection. Pre-launch detection measures how effectively a product can identify and block malware before it executes, while post-launch detection assesses the product’s ability to detect and mitigate threats after they have started running. This two-phase approach provides a comprehensive evaluation of a product’s protective capabilities.

Products are scored based on the number of threats they successfully block. The key metrics include the total number of threats blocked, the percentage blocked during the pre-launch phase, and the percentage detected post-launch. A product’s overall effectiveness is determined by its ability to maximize threat detection across both phases.

Emsisoft’s Performance in the July 2024 AVLab Test

Emsisoft Enterprise Security + EDR achieved a perfect score in the July 2024 AVLab test, blocking 275 out of 275 threats. The breakdown of these results includes a pre-launch detection rate of 45.45% and a post-launch detection rate of 54.55%, highlighting the product’s balanced approach to threat prevention and mitigation.

These results underscore Emsisoft’s capability to provide comprehensive protection against active threats. The balanced detection rates indicate that Emsisoft is not only effective at preventing threats before they execute but also excels at identifying and neutralizing threats that manage to launch.

What is Emsisoft Enterprise Security + EDR?

Emsisoft Enterprise Security is a comprehensive security solution designed for enterprises and organizations of all sizes. It offers advanced threat detection and response capabilities, making it an ideal choice for organizations that require robust protection against a wide range of cyber threats. The product is engineered to meet the needs of large-scale deployments, offering features that ensure both security and manageability.

Emsisoft Enterprise Security + EDR

Robust and proven endpoint security solution for organizations of all sizes. Start free trial

Why Emsisoft Continues to Excel

Emsisoft’s consistent performance in AVLab tests builds trust with customers and solidifies its reputation in the cybersecurity industry. Recognition from respected testing organizations like AVLab not only validates the effectiveness of Emsisoft’s solutions but also strengthens customer confidence in their ability to protect against real-world threats.

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