New in 2020.3: Redesigned Emsisoft Emergency Kit

We’ve all been there before: a friend or a family member suspects they’ve been infected with a virus or malware and urgently needs a powerful scanner that can reliably scrub their entire system of dangerous and fraudulent software. But they just want to run a quick scan without having to install full protection software.
We have something for that. Emsisoft Emergency Kit is one of very few truly portable apps (no installation required, just extract and run) that come with a fully-featured dual-engine scanner and comprehensive cleaning abilities.
This month, we revamped the design of this handy tool. You can download it from our website for free or you can create it from within Emsisoft Anti-Malware with just a click.
It supports both 32 and 64 bit Windows and can be easily loaded onto a thumb drive through copy and paste to scan third party devices for malware.
Emsisoft Emergency Kit is free for personal use. For commercial use and helpdesks, a reasonably priced Pro version is available, too.
Extra security for your Emsisoft account: New PwnedPassword check
The website provides a quick way to check whether any of your user account passwords have been stolen in a hack and leaked online. At the time of writing, the HaveIBeenPwned website stores information of about almost 10 Billion hacked user accounts and yours is most likely one of them.
For that reason, we strongly recommend to not re-use the same password on multiple websites, especially not on ours. Emsisoft even goes one step further in protecting your user account by checking whether your password was used before and got leaked. When you try to use one of the leaked passwords for your Emsisoft account, you will receive the following warning:
No worries, we don’t send your password over to HaveIBeenPwned. Verification only needs a part of a calculated hash to work, so it’s impossible to reverse recover your password at any time.
All 2020.3 improvements in a nutshell
Emsisoft Anti-Malware
- Redesigned Emergency Kit to go in line with the design of Emsisoft Anti-Malware.
- New dark mode in Emsisoft Emergency Kit.
- Several minor tweaks and fixes.
MyEmsisoft/Management Console
- New PwnedPassword checks for new and changed passwords. Prevents users from re-using hacked/leaked passwords.
- Improved workspace notifications: New event ‘Computer restart required after update’.
- New option to set permission policies on the individual user level (Emsisoft Enterprise Security only).
- Renamed ‘Customer Care’ settings to ‘UI Customization’ settings.
- Several minor tweaks and fixes.
How to obtain the new version
As always, so long as you have auto-updates enabled in the software, you will receive the latest version automatically during your regularly scheduled updates, which are hourly by default.
Note to Enterprise users: If you have chosen to receive “Delayed” updates in the Update settings for your clients, they will receive the new software version no earlier than 30 days after the regular “Stable” availability. This gives you time to perform internal compatibility tests before a new version gets rolled out to your clients automatically.
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